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Fitness Equipment

There were times when fitness equipments were maintained at home only by sports personnel or the showbiz folks. But it is not so now. With increasing health and fitness consciousness, fitness gadgets are finding place in most households.

More and more people are realizing the importance of regular exercising habits in ensuring a healthy and active living, keeping effects of common ailments like diabetes and blood pressure in control, keeping their bodies in perfect shape and in general increasing the longevity of life itself. Home fitness equipments come as a boon to those fitness buffs who find not much time after a trying days work or their responsibilities at home for a relaxing workout in a gym , a walk or any sporting activity. They are of interest also to those home birds who like to spend more time with family within the comforts of their house. Whatever the reason, owning fitness equipments at home needs certain important aspects to be considered seriously.

1) The kind of equipment required:

There is a wide variety of home fitness equipments available to suit different purposes of exercising. One has to decide which of these will suit his or her requirement best. This will depend on what one wants to achieve by these activities, whether toning up for some sporting activity, keeping blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems in control, losing weight and keeping up body shape or generally keep oneself fit and healthy. Of coarse more importantly selecting the right equipment will also depend on the health conditions of particular individuals and due importance should be given to medical advice given in this respect.

2) Budget for quality:

An important thing to be kept in mind while drawing up a budget for such equipments is quality.

Whatever the purpose, there should be no compromise on quality. A quality product will ensure long lasting benefits and cut short on maintenance and repairing expenses. One can do with one all purpose quality equipment than 10 cheap ones for different purposes.

3) Space management:

Fitness equipments usually occupy a lot of space. Space is needed not only for placing the equipment but moving around and working with it. So what you buy should be what you can comfortably accommodate in your household.

4) Last but not least, will it be really useful

Often we get tempted to buy things because they have worked well with other people. But we have to consider if they will be really useful to us. This means we have to consider whether we can find the time and have genuine inclination to make gainful use of the equipments we plan to buy. After the initial excitement is over, fitness equipments sometimes transform to be extra pieces of furniture, exhibits or worse still storing shelves!

Among various home fitness equipments available, I find the treadmill most interesting. Maybe it is the most common but then it is also the most useful. It is a must in any home gym set up.

Treadmills no doubt are great for losing weight and for cardiovascular fitness, but they are good even simply just for walking. The benefits of walking as all know are many. It is said that walkers live longer. Regular walking keeps one fit and active. The risk of coronary diseases is much lesser in fit and active than in unfit and inactive people. Walking gives more flexibility to the muscles and better range of movement for the joints. Hence walkers are less likely to suffer fractures and injuries. Moreover walking gives relief to depression and anxieties. Regular walking gives sound sleep. Needless to say that walking helps keep body weight in control. Health experts say that a 30 minutes brisk walking everyday can give all the above benefits of general health. Walking outside in the open is definitely better because fresh air is so much good for the lungs. It is really a refreshing experience. But what does one do on a rainy day or when it gets to be too hot outside When theres a treadmill at home one need not bother about rain or sun, night or day. One does not have to make separate walking schedules either. Just walk at home at whatever time convenient!

Now, to the features one should look for in a good treadmill :-

The motor is the most important part of a treadmill. It is very important to check and scrutinize if a treadmills is equipped with the best quality motor to ensure consistent performance. Some assembled treadmills may have inferior makes for the motor. If the piece is unusually cheap, check out first if the motor is of good quality.

The speed range available in the machine is an important factor. For normal walking one can do with a minimum speed of .5mph to about 6mph but for jogging or running one will need a range of 1mph to 12 or above. It is important to select the right piece to suit the kind of activity aimed to be performed.

The running belt should have considerable thickness to sustain different walking styles of the users. Some may walk, some may jog or even run and no one can maintain a straight line while doing these. Again a double layered belt is preferable than a singe layered one.

Equally important is the length and width of the maneuvering area so that one can walk with comfortable strides. It is better to go for longer surface areas since shorter strides can yet be made in them.

In treadmills affording inclined motions, the degree of incline and the type of incline adjustments provided should be checked out depending on the user and purpose.

A good electronic feedback system should be fitted to the treadmill. It should at least display distance, speed and time along with the number of calories burnt by the user.

Very importantly, the treadmill should be provided with an emergency cut off system. This is generally a magnetic button which can be used to cut off power right away. Sometimes due to voltage fluctuations, loose contact or other reasons, the motor may run very fast or irregularly. At such times the emergency shutting will bring the treadmill to a stop and thereby one can avoid tripping or falling or incurring minor injuries.

Last but not least check out if the users manual gives clear instructions for cleaning and maintenance of the equipment. Yes, having invested on it, one should know to keep the equipment in good condition in order to be able to make the best and prolonged use of it! Again do not forget to verify and collect warranties and assurances provided by the manufacturers.

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